🚨 America’s Greatest Mental Health Crisis Unfolds – Are You Ready? 🧠💔

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In today's My Faith and Health:

🚨 America’s Greatest Mental Health Crisis Unfolds – Are You Ready? 🧠💔

  • Breaking News: 🚨 Greatest Mental Health Crisis in the History of America?!?!

  • My (Pet’s) Health: Nucifix - Ultimate Pet Nutrition

  • ️My Faith: Amanda Grace & Keela Craft GODitics Series

  • Mighty Man: Naria Lemire's Road to Wellness

  • Bible Verse: 1 Cor 6:19 - Body is a Temple

BREAKING NEWS - Greatest Mental Health Crisis in the History of America?!?!

If Donald Trump wins, Mark Halperin predicts the psychological collapse of the Democratic party - “greatest mental health crisis in the history of our country.”

What would this mean? On one end of the spectrum would be extreme could be riots and chaos or on the other end it could be a slow decline of the mental health of a lot of people who’ve been “programmed” by the mainstream media for decades?

Read this / listen to the interview below:

MY (Pet) HEALTH - Nucifix

Vet Warns: "Is Paw Licking Driving Your Dog Crazy? Make One Small Change"

(Most Dog Owners Don't Know This)

MY FAITH - Amanda Grace

GODitics Series - The Fight is Fixed - Keela Craft Ambrose

Majestic Woman - Healing from the Inside Out - Naria Lemire

BIBLE Message - 1 Cor 6:19

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own." —1 Corinthians 6:19 (ESV)

The Apostle Paul reminds us here of a great and solemn truth: you and I do not belong to ourselves. Your body, fragile as it may seem, has been claimed for something far more sacred. It is not merely a vessel to carry you through this life, but a temple where the Spirit of God takes up residence. How remarkable! The God of the universe has chosen to make His dwelling within you.

But let us not overlook the significance of this divine reality. If your body is a temple, what care and reverence does it deserve? Too often, we act as if our health and habits are ours to govern as we please. We indulge in stress, neglect proper rest, and invite destructive things into what should be a sanctuary of life and vitality. But God’s Spirit dwells within, and this makes your body a holy place — one to be nourished, sustained, and treated with respect.

Much like the Old Testament temple, our bodies must remain pure and whole. If we fail to care for them, we dishonor not only ourselves but the One who dwells within us. Our physical wellness is not just about personal comfort but is directly linked to how we carry out the will of God. Whether it’s walking in vibrant energy, relieving stress, or overcoming chronic ailments, we must see health as a divine responsibility, not a mere afterthought.

You were bought with a price. So today, consider this: How are you caring for the temple you’ve been given? The Spirit within you is ever faithful, but it is your calling to ensure the temple remains ready and fit for service. Not for vanity’s sake but so that you can live boldly, fulfilling God’s purpose with strength. Caring for your body is an act of worship. It allows you to run your race without stumbling, to stand firm against challenges, and to live as a radiant testimony to God’s healing grace.

Make no mistake: treating your body with reverence—through rest, nourishment, and freedom from unnecessary toxins—is a reflection of your walk with God. Just as the temple in Jerusalem was not to be defiled, neither should we allow the things of this world to degrade the temple of our own body. Walk in health, that you may carry the light of Christ into the world with endurance and joy.

You are not your own. You belong to God — body, mind, and spirit. Let every step, every meal, and every breath glorify Him who gave you life. For a healthy life is one that reflects the fullness of the Spirit within. And in that health, you will find not only wellness but also the strength to walk into the new life God is calling you to.. Amen.

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