Breaking Audio Analysis - 4 Shooters Revealed? Robin Bullock & Amanda

Bamboo Sheets - Have you tried them?

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In today's My Faith and Health: 4 Shooters?! Hold Fast to Hope

Breaking Audio Analysis - 4 Shooters Revealed? Robin Bullock & Amanda

  • Breaking News: 4 Shooters?!? Audio Evidence Revealed

  • My Faith: Prophets - Robin Bullock & Amanda Grace

  • My Health: Bamboo Sheets

  • Mighty Man: Cooper Harrison

  • Bible Verse: Hebrews 4:15

BREAKING NEWS - 4 Guns?! Audio Analysis

Rick from Blessed2Teach Reveals Audio Analysis

Rick reviews the key parts of 6 videos from Peak Performance who has spent the last 2 weeks doing detailed sound analysis on the 10 shots fired during the assassination attempt on Trump.

More videos have been acquired, and many things have become conclusive, including the fact that at least 4 different guns were used to fire the 10 shots.

The 8 shots that were shot toward Trump were at least 2 separate guns, which is obvious to anyone listening to the sound analysis.

The first 3 shots have no echo and a certain sound, and shots 5-8 are in nearly world record time and have very different sound signatures.

Shot 9 was supposedly a local law enforcement officer, but we have little information about it.

Shot 10 was a much larger round and definitely came from the Sniper team off to the right of Trump when facing him.  Why they did not shoot beforehand is a mystery.

This large round would explode a head as Rick shows in a video example, so the fact that there was no splatter behind Crooks seems to indicate that shot 10 may not have been the kill shot from the sniper.

There is no good proof that Crooks is not a patsy and that he fired any of the shots.

Saying he shot all 8 shots toward Trump is highly doubtful based on the sound analysis.

In addition, a closer review of the first 3 shots also seems to show the first shot slightly softer than the next two.

One hypothesis is that the professional sniper who was on target until Trump moved his head and only shot the 1st shot while another shooter shot 2 and 3 and yet another 5-8.

However, very few people are talking about the sound analysis as the media continue to tout the single shooter narrative.

MY HEALTH - Bamboo Sheets

Upgrade Your Sanctuary with Cozy Earth Bamboo Viscose Sheet Set

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MY FAITH - Amanda Grace

Lou Engle Joins Amanda Grace: Prophetic Conversations, Calling All Esthers!

Robin Bullock - Intelligence Briefing

MIGHTY Man - Cooper Harrison's Journey of Transformation

BIBLE Message - Hebrews 10:23 Hold Fast to Hope

Hebrews 10:23 (ESV): "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful."

In the midst of life's turbulent seas, this scripture serves as an anchor, reminding us to hold steadfastly to our hope. Hope is not a mere wish or fleeting desire but a confident expectation grounded in the faithfulness of God. The author of Hebrews exhorts us to cling to this hope without wavering, not because of our strength, but because of the unwavering faithfulness of the One who promised.

God's promises are not fragile or fickle. They are steadfast and unchangeable, rooted in His unchanging nature. Our human frailties and the vicissitudes of life often lead us to doubt, to falter in our hope. Yet, the scripture calls us back, urging us to remember the character of God. He who has promised is faithful. He who has spoken will bring it to pass.

Consider the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness. Despite their repeated failings and doubts, God's promise to them remained steadfast. He led them, provided for them, and brought them to the Promised Land. This same faithful God invites us to trust Him today.

In our daily walk, we encounter moments that test our resolve and challenge our hope. The pressures of health concerns, financial uncertainties, and relational strains can often make hope seem distant. However, it is precisely in these moments that we are called to "hold fast."

Practically, holding fast to hope means immersing ourselves in God's Word, reminding ourselves daily of His promises. It means surrounding ourselves with a community of believers who can encourage and strengthen us. It means praying fervently, seeking the presence of God in our struggles and allowing His Spirit to renew our hope.

As you navigate the journey towards better health and spiritual vitality, remember that this path is anchored in the hope given by God. Just as our mission aims to bring healing through natural solutions rooted in Biblical wisdom, so too does our spiritual journey require us to draw from the wellspring of hope found in Christ.

Hold fast, dear friends, to the confession of your hope. Let it be a light in times of darkness, a steady guide amidst life's storms. For He who promised is indeed faithful.

May your journey be filled with the assurance of His faithfulness, and may you find strength in the unwavering hope that He provides. Amen.

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