Christians and Politics: Surprising Facts You Need to Know + America’s Health Crisis Exposed!

Discover why every Christian should care about politics, prophetic warnings you can’t ignore, and how America’s health is on a dangerous decline. This week's newsletter is packed with insights, health tips, and inspiration!

In today's My Faith and Health:

Christians and Politics - Surprising Facts & America’s Health Is Being Destroyed!

  • Breaking News: Goditics - Why Christian Should Care About Politics

  • My Health: American Health is Being Destroyed - Share It

  • My Faith: Amanda Grace - Prophecy Fulfilling - Election Warning!

  • Mighty Man: Zakariya Frank -

  • Bible Verse: Psalms 22:27-28 - God’s Sovereignty is Absolute

BREAKING NEWS - Why Christian Should Care About Politics - Goditics Series!

In this insightful sermon, Keith Craft explores how the Bible guides our understanding of politics and leadership. Discover practical wisdom on how to navigate political issues while staying true to your faith. He delves into key scriptures that offer timeless principles for engaging with government and civic responsibilities. Learn how to balance your spiritual values with your role as a citizen. Join us to find clarity and inspiration for making informed and faithful choices in today’s political landscape.

MY HEALTH - American Health is Getting Destroyed

Please Share - If you’d like to share these alarming statistics, please feel free to save and use the images below:

MY FAITH - Amanda Grace & Julie Green

Amanda Grace: Urgent Prophecy Fulfilling: The Turning Over has Begun! N.Y.C. Mayor’s Office Raided


Mighty Man - From Street Dogs to Cancer Warriors: The Holistic Journey with Zakariya Frank

BIBLE Message - Psalms 22:27-28 - God’s Sovereignty is Absolute!

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations." (Psalms 22:27-28)

God’s sovereignty is absolute. The entirety of creation is under His dominion, though we often forget this in the busyness of life. The psalmist reminds us that there is coming a day when all the ends of the earth will remember, and turn to the Lord.

The human heart is prone to wander, forgetting the authority of God and seeking fulfillment in the fleeting things of this world. Yet, here we are reminded that God’s reign is not limited by time, nation, or power. He rules over the nations, and His kingship is not just a future hope, but a present reality.

In these verses, we glimpse God’s final victory, where every family of every nation will bow in worship. God is not just interested in the individual; He is redeeming the world. There will be a day when every nation, tribe, and tongue will acknowledge that the Lord is King over all. We are called to live in light of this truth today—living as citizens of this eternal kingdom.

Are we living as if Christ reigns over the nations now, or do we cower at the chaos and turmoil around us? Do we trust that His sovereign plan will unfold, even when we cannot see it? May our hearts be set firmly on the truth that His kingship is certain, and may we rest in His unshakable authority. Let us be a people who remember and turn to Him daily, submitting to the one true King, who reigns now and forever. Amen.

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