Real or AI? Life or Death... Plus Important Amanda And Julie Updates

In the near future, wars could be started by misinterpreting information created by nefarious actors. How will we know?

In today's My Faith and Health:

Is it Real or AI? It could mean life or death…

  • Breaking News: How do we know what’s REAL?

  • ️My Faith: Amanda Grace & Julie Green - Prophetic Insights

  • My Health: Bible Based Herbs and Superfoods

  • Mighty Man: Why Pain is a Liar: A Surgeon's Revelations on Natural Pain Relief

  • Bible Verse: Col 3:17 - …do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus…


Like Elon asks - How will we ever know what’s real? That really is a good question. Technology improvements are incredible and can improve efficiencies in incredible ways. However, it can be used in very evil ways - we must be discerning! How?

I propose we get close to our God and have a real relationship with him and the Holy Spirit and constantly ask for understanding.

How do we know things are REAL or AI?

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MY HEALTH - Bible Herbs and Superfoods

Hyssop (Psalm 51:7; Exodus 12:22; John 19:29) - It has antiseptic, cough relieving, and expectorant properties.

Mint (Luke 11:42) -It helps soothe stomach issues and aids in digestion.

Mustard (Matthew 13:31) -Mustard seeds are a rich source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium and are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic (Numbers 11:5) - It is widely recognized for its cardiovascular health benefits, including blood pressure and cholesterol management.

Coriander (Exodus 16:31; Numbers 11:7)  known for their dietary fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cinnamon (Exodus 30:23; Proverbs 7:17) - cinnamon is appreciated for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects.

Olives/Olive Oil (Exodus 27:20; James 5:14) -  rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, known for benefiting heart health and possessing anti-inflammatory properties.

MY FAITH - Julie Green & Amanda Grace

Amanda Grace: A Pivotal Word from the Lord

Julie Green: The Forged Biden Resignation Will Be Exposed

Mighty Man - Why Pain is a Liar: A Surgeon's Revelations on Natural Pain Relief

BIBLE Message - Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

In this single verse, we see a calling that encompasses every aspect of our existence. It’s not just our prayers or our church services that should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, but everything we do — whether we speak or act. Too often, we separate our lives into the “sacred” and the “secular.” But Paul admonishes us to erase that line completely. There is no task too small, no word too trivial that it shouldn’t be done for the glory of God.

The believer is not a part-time disciple. Every thought, every step, every interaction must bear the stamp of Jesus’ name. Imagine how our daily encounters would change if we understood that every word spoken could represent Christ to someone who desperately needs to see Him. When our deeds are marked by His presence, they bring light into a dark world. Even our mundane tasks take on eternal significance when offered as worship to the King of Kings.

We are also commanded to give thanks, not just when life is flowing smoothly, but at all times. The posture of gratitude turns our hearts toward God, who deserves our recognition for every blessing we receive. We don’t just live for ourselves; we live as ambassadors of Christ. So, let us speak and act as though Christ Himself were walking this earth through our bodies. Let us give thanks in every situation, knowing that we represent Him — and that is both an honor and a responsibility too great to neglect.

In whatever you do, let Christ’s name be your guide, and let gratitude be your heartbeat. Amen.

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