Stunning Victory in the 1500, Prophetic Words by Amanda…oh my!

Special Offer from Exodus

In today's My Faith and Health:

Stunning Victory in the 1500, Prophetic Words by Amanda…oh my!

  • Breaking News: STUNNING Victory in Paris - Cole Hocker

  • My Health: Exodus - 5 Free Travel Packs

  • My Faith: Amanda Grace - Prophetic Mysteries!

  • Majestic Woman: Unlocking Healing Potential: The HighSpeed Healing™ Method with Debora Wayne

  • Bible Verse: Exodus 34:22


Stunning Victory for Cole Hocker in the men’s 1500m. This was my favorite event when I was a runner and to see this come to reality is literally a dream come true. Before I got hit by a truck in college, winning the olympics representing the USA was my goal. Cole Hocker DID IT!!!

MY HEALTH - Exodus - Discount & Free Travel Packs

SPECIAL FOR My Faith and Health Readers: Enter the coupon “MFH” for a $5 discount and FREE 5 Travel Packs ($35 value) for the first 5 purchases!

Real Stories - Real People

We’re thrilled to share some amazing stories from people just like you who have transformed their lives with Exodus already.

Ray said “within a couple of hours some pain that I had in my left groin and I've had for quite a while just went.  And I'm feeling really good, really upbeat and looking forward to becoming a regular customer of Exodus.”

Roxie said “I took those two capsules last night and this morning I woke up without the fog. Now, it was just two capsules,  one night, and I really, really could tell the difference, and I am so excited!”

These are real people experiencing real results. Imagine what Exodus can do for you!

MY FAITH - Amanda Grace

Trump and Kamala: Prophetic Mysteries Unfolding in the Nation

Jonathan Cahn - The Trump Assassination Mystery

Majestic Woman - Unlocking Healing Potential: The HighSpeed Healing™ Method with Debora Wayne

BIBLE Message - Exodus 34:22 - Rejoice in the Seasons of God’s Provision

Exodus 34:22 (ESV): "You shall observe the Feast of Weeks, the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year's end."

In Exodus 34:22, God commands the Israelites to observe the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Ingathering, marking the rhythms of agricultural life and the seasons of harvest. These feasts were not merely agricultural festivals but sacred times of remembrance and thanksgiving for God's provision and faithfulness.

The Feast of Weeks, also known as Pentecost, celebrated the firstfruits of the wheat harvest. It was a time to honor God for His bounty and to bring the first and best of the harvest as an offering. This act of bringing the firstfruits to God symbolizes our recognition that all we have is from Him and our trust that He will continue to provide.

Similarly, the Feast of Ingathering, or Tabernacles, marked the end of the agricultural year when the full harvest was gathered. It was a time of great joy and celebration, acknowledging God's abundant blessings and provision throughout the year. This feast also served as a reminder of the Israelites' dependence on God during their wilderness wanderings, living in temporary shelters and relying on His daily provision.

These observances teach us profound spiritual truths applicable to our lives today. Firstly, they remind us to recognize and celebrate God's provision in every season. Whether in times of plenty or times of need, we are called to give thanks and honor God for His faithfulness. Our modern-day "harvests" may not be wheat and grapes, but the principle remains—everything we receive is a gift from God, and we are to offer back to Him the first and best of what we have.

Secondly, these feasts call us to a life of trust and dependence on God. Just as the Israelites relied on God's provision in the wilderness, we too must trust in His care and provision for our needs. This trust frees us from anxiety and allows us to live with joy and gratitude.

In our journey towards health and wellness, this principle of trust and gratitude is vital. As we seek natural solutions to our health issues, we recognize that true healing and wellness come from God. Our efforts, whether in taking supplements like Exodus or practicing healthy habits, are ultimately grounded in our dependence on God's provision and wisdom.

As you embrace this journey, let these biblical feasts inspire you to live with a heart of thanksgiving, offering the firstfruits of your efforts to God and trusting in His continued provision. May your life be a testimony of His faithfulness and may you experience the abundant blessings of living in alignment with His will.

Remember, as you "Exit The Old You" and step into a new season of health and vitality, it is God's provision that sustains and blesses you. Let us celebrate His goodness and remain steadfast in our trust in Him. Amen.

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